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Almshouse ledgers collection

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This stock volume lists various items used at the City Home from the Food Storehouse. The food items are broken down by each department or person in the City Home. Information includes how many of the items they received. Departments and people include the Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent, Steward, Matron, Doctors, Engineers, Bookmaker and items for eating on excursions. Food items include potatoes, cherries, chicken, sardines and gherkins.


This volume includes columns relating to date of admission, name, age, nativity, occupation, condition, disease and result. The last meaning death, discharge or transfer. There is also a column of remarks. Arrangement is alphabetical by last name.


This volume contains admissions information for the hospitals on Blackwell's Island. Columns are labeled as follows: Date (of Admission), Name, Age, Nativity, Time Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result, Date (discharge or death) and Remarks. Arrangement is alphabetical.


This volume includes columns relating to date of admission, name, age, nativity, occupation, condition, disease and result. The last meaning death, discharge or transfer. There is also a column of remarks. Arrangement is alphabetical by last name.


This volume is titled: "Notices of Serious Illness." This ledger contains information about letters sent to patients family or friends of serious illnesses currently residing in one of the institutions on Blackwell's Island. No letters are contained in this ledger. The columns are not clearly identifiable. Information contained here are the name and address of the letter recipient, the date it was sent, a ward number and a signature of the notice If a letter was returned it is marked in red. Arrangement is alphabetical and chronological.


This volume contains admissions information for the hospitals on Blackwell's Island. Columns are labeled as follows: Date (of Admission), Name, Age, Nativity, Time Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result, Date (discharge or death) and Remarks. Arrangement is alphabetical.


Columns in this volume are labeled as follows: No. Date of Death; Sent to Morgue; Name; Age; Nativity; Men, Women, Native, Foreign; Where Buried; Disease; Name and Address of Friend; Where Died. Some of the deceased have comments about friends written. Arrangement is chronological.


This death register contains the most of the same columns throughout, however there are some noted differences. Columns at the beginning of the book are labeled as follows: Date, No., Name, Ward, Hour, To Physician (time), Returned (date and time), Mailed (date and hour), Bodies Sent to City Morgue (date and hour), New York Morgue Notified (name and hour) and Mailed (date and hour). From page 40 on, the column Friends is added. From page 208 onwards the columns change: Date, Property, No., Name, Died (date and hour), Body Sent to City Hospital Morgue (date and hour), Notification to Friends (how notified, date and hour) and Prot or P.L. Arrangement is chronological.


This ledger consists of information regarding female inmates only. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, How Long in U.S., Religion, Civil Condition, By Who, Admitted, Record Number, Cause, Ward, Remarks. The remarks column in this volume consists mainly of a death or discharge date. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


This ledger consists of information regarding male inmates only. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, How Long in U.S., Religion, Civil Condition, By Who, Admitted, Record Number, Cause, Ward, Remarks. The remarks column in this volume consists mainly of a death or discharge date. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


This ledger consists of information regarding male inmates only. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, How Long in U.S., Religion, Civil Condition, By Who, Admitted, Record Number, Cause, Ward, Remarks. The remarks column in this volume consists mainly of a death or discharge date. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


This ledger consists of information regarding female inmates only. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, How Long in U.S., Religion, Civil Condition, By Who, Admitted, Record Number, Cause, Ward, Remarks. The remarks column in this volume consists mainly of a death or discharge date. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


This ledger consists of information regarding female inmates only. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, How Long in U.S., Religion, Civil Condition, By Who, Admitted, Record Number, Cause, Ward, Remarks. The remarks column in this volume consists mainly of a death or discharge date. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


This ledger consists of information regarding female inmates only. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Occupation, How Long in U.S., Religion, Civil Condition, By Who, Admitted, Record Number, Cause, Ward, Remarks. The remarks column in this volume consists mainly of a death or discharge date. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


Columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Admitted, Name, History, Ward and an unmarked Remarks column. The early years in this volume are fragmentary. Arrangement is alphabetical.


This volume contains information regarding patient admission to the City Home for the Aged and Infirm. Columns are labeled as follows: Inmate Admittance, Record No., Date of Admission, Name, Address, Age, Nativity, Civil State, Religion, Sex, Color, Name of Relative or Friends, Relationship and Address, Ward Assignment During Stay, Date of Discharge and Remarks. Arrangement is chronological.


The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and No. of Times Admitted. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume contains admissions information for the Charity hospital on Blackwell's Island. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Time Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result (discharge or death), Date and Remarks. Remarks include transfers to the Asylum or Almshouse. Arrangement is alphabetical and chronological.


This volume contains admissions information for the Charity hospital on Blackwell's Island. Columns are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Time Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result (discharge or death), Date and Remarks. Remarks include transfers to the Asylum or Almshouse. Occupations include shoemaker, laborer or domestics for women. Arrangement is alphabetical and chronological.


This volume contains admissions information for the hospitals on Blackwell's Island. Columns are labeled as follows: Date (of Admission), Name, Age, Nativity, Time Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result, Date (discharge or death) and Remarks. Arrangement is alphabetical.


Columns in this discharge ledger are labeled as follows: Name, Age, Admitted (date), Remarks. Entries from June 1910 to the end of the record keeping have the added column of Religion. Arrangement is chronological.


The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents male inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.


This volume contains information regarding patient admission to the City Home for the Aged and Infirm. Columns are labeled as follows: Record No., Date of Admission, Name, Address, Age, Nativity, Civil State, Religion, Sex, Color, Name of Relative or Friends, Relationship and Address, Ward Assignment During Stay, Date of Discharge and Remarks. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume contains information regarding patient admission to the City Home for the Aged and Infirm and the penitentiary. Columns are labeled as follows: Record No., Date of Admission, Name, Address, Age, Nativity, Civil State, Religion, Sex, Color, Name of Relative or Friends, Relationship and Address, Ward Assignment During Stay, Date of Discharge and Remarks. Under remarks are notes as to where a patient was transferred: Lunatic Asylum, City Hospital, Cancer Clinic. Arrangement is chronological.


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