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These certificates in this volume were issued by the Warden of the Almshouse and list the name, nativity, age, cause of death, color, occupation, condition, how long the person was in the city and any remarks about the deceased. Many of the dead in this ledger are children. The certificates were signed by a doctor and bear a number. Some certificates state the hospital ward the deceased was in and under remarks notes the cemetery or city that the deceased was buried in. Arrangement is chronological.
Ledger is an oversized Admissions Register for the Home for the Aged and Infirm . Columns are labeled as follows: Admitting Official, Admission Number, Time Admitted, Date of Admission, First or Subsequent Admission, Divisional Jurisdiction, Ward, Name, Age, Color, Condition, How Brought to Hospital, Occupation, Residence, Relatives and Friends Name and Address, Father's Name and Birthplace, Mother's Maiden Name and Birthplace, Diagnosis When Admitted, Diagnosis When Discharged, Number Day Treatment, Result, History Number, Date of Discharge, Date of Death, Destination. Arrangement is alphabetical by patient last name.
Columns in ledger are labeled as follows: Date of Admission, Age, Place of Birth, Condition When Admitted, Reference in City Office, A.H. No. (Almshouse), Remarks. Most of the children in this volume are under two years old. The remarks column mainly gives the time of death of the infant. Arrangement is chronological.
This volume contains admissions information for children. However, it also includes children's reports which are signed by the Warden of the Almshouse. Columns are labeled as follows: Date, Name, Age, Admitted, Book and Folio Number. Arrangement is chronological.
No. of Ward, Disease, Result, Remarks, Date (of death or discharge depending on the remarks column). Arrangement is alphabetical.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women or children. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and No. of Times Admitted. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women or children. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and No. of Times Admitted. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women or children. Arrangement is chronological.
This volume is unusual in that it has a page dedicated to a letter of the alphabet, followed by another page with more columns and a further page labeled Roster of Veterans. Columns on the alphabetized page are labeled as follows: Date of Admittance, Name, Age, Nativity, Years in U.S. and N.Y., Occupation, Condition, Religion, Ward and Remarks. The following page labels are as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Record No., Remarks and Ward. Arrangement is chronological under each letter of the alphabet.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Occupations include boatmen, plasterer, drivers, domestics and for women, widow or married. Arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this hospital ledger are as follows: Date (likely Admission date), Name, Age, Nativity, Time, Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result, Remarks, Date (of death or discharge depending on the remarks column). Arrangement is alphabetical.
This volume contains admissions information for the hospitals on Blackwell's Island. Columns are labeled as follows: Date (of Admission), Name, Age, Nativity, Time Occupation, Condition, No. of Ward, Disease, Result, Date (discharge or death) and Remarks. The back of this volume contains an insert which houses loose notes and a birthday wishes card. Entries under D overflow to page 91. Arrangement is alphabetical.
Admissions ledger for the Incurable Hospital and Almshouse. Includes columns as follows: Date of Admission, Name, Age, Nativity, Religion, Social Condition, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, Time in U.S., Remarks include of Death. most admissions note reason as cripple or destitute. Volume is fragmentary and dates are not clearly laid out. Arrangement is alphabetical by last name.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks. Individuals are classified according to whether they were men, women, boys or girls. Arrangement is chronological.
Figures on the number of admissions and discharges are listed on a daily basis with figures totaled on a monthly basis. This volume covers the Almshouse, Incurable Hospital the Workhouse (patients and staff) and is divided by gender. The last section of the volume contains yearly reports for the Almshouse, the Indigent Blind Asylum, the Incurable Hospital and the Poorhouse. Statistics are given on countries of origin for those admitted and causes of death. Census arrangement is chronological.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents male inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents female inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents male inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents female inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.
The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States, Where Landed, Remarks and Location. Under remarks are a death or discharge note. Causes include cripple, destitute or incurable. This volume documents male inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.