318 Pleasant Avenue; assigned to Samuel Arbeid
1795 First Avenue; assigned to George Ehret
929 Tinton Avenue; assigned to Bernheimer and Schmid Brewery
90 Prince Street; assigned to Albert Bogert
44 Avenue B; assigned to Felix Simon
731 Washington Street; assigned to H. B. Scharmann and Sons
507 West 43rd Street; assigned to David Mayer Brewing Company
508 West 39th Street; assigned to Alfred Clark
72 Amsterdam Avenue; assigned to Bernheimer and Schmid Brewery
Northeast corner of Webster Avenue and 175th Street; assigned to George Ehret
440 West 28th Street; assigned to Herman Behrens
15 Beaver Street; assigned to George Ehret
539 Ninth Avenue; assigned to Consumers Brewing Company
Northwest corner of Boulevard and West 129th Street; assigned to Marcus Neimayer
25 Bowery; assigned to Adolph Jacobs
162 Cherry Street; assigned to Patrick Kelly