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The records of the Almshouse ledgers represent the activities of the institutions under the purview of various city departments on Blackwell’s Island. Records date from 1758 to 1952, with the bulk of the records falling between 1832 and 1925. These records document the social service, cultural, medical, and corrections histories of New York City. This collection was processed by the Municipal Archives in 2016 under a grant funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission.

Almshouse ledgers collection

The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents male inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.


Columns in this discharge ledger are as follows: Men, Women, Names, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity and Remarks. The top of each page reads, "Discharges" and for the most part, under the remarks column is the word "died." Arrangement is chronological.


Columns in this discharge ledger are as follows: Men, Women, Names, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity and Remarks. The top of each page reads, "Discharges." Under remarks are where the patient was transferred to, e.g., Lunatic Asylum, or Hart's Island or simply, "died." Inside the front cover board are two cut out drawings of a woman in a dress holding a book. The lower drawing has the name Miss O'Brien written on it. Arrangement is chronological.


The spine of this volume is titled "Workhouse Admissions, Inmates and Help. Columns are labeled as follows : Men, Women, Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in U.S. & Where Landed, No. of Times Admitted and Remarks. Many patients were transferred to the Incurable Hospital and causes for their admittance to the Workhouse included, intoxication, being destitute, blind or paralyzed. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume is divided into three sections. The first section is an admissions record, titled Workhouse Help. The dates for this section are 1890-1897 and run from pages 1-77. The second section of the book is an admissions record titled Workhouse Inmates. The dates for this section are 1895-1896 and runs from pages 129-140. The last section is an admissions record for Almshouse Inmates. This is dated 1890-1895 and runs from pages 357-499. All columns are the same in each section, they are: No., Date, Name, Term, Date of Commitment, Time Expires and Remarks. Arrangement is chronological.


The columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in United States and Where Landed, Remarks and Location. This volume documents female inmates only. Arrangement is alphabetical.


Columns in this discharge ledger are as follows: Men, Women, Names, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity and Remarks. The top of each page reads, "Discharges" and for the most part, under the remarks column is the word "died." Arrangement is chronological.


Columns in this discharge ledger are as follows: Men, Women, Names, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity and Remarks. The top of each page reads, "Discharges." Under remarks are where the patient was transferred to, e.g., Lunatic Asylum, or Hart's Island or simply, "died." Inside the front cover board are two cut out drawings of a woman in a dress holding a book. The lower drawing has the name Miss O'Brien written on it. Arrangement is chronological.


The spine of this volume is titled "Workhouse Admissions, Inmates and Help. Columns are labeled as follows : Men, Women, Name, Date of Admission, Age, Nativity, Cause, By Whom Admitted, Occupation, How Long in U.S. & Where Landed, No. of Times Admitted and Remarks. Many patients were transferred to the Incurable Hospital and causes for their admittance to the Workhouse included, intoxication, being destitute, blind or paralyzed. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume is divided into three sections. The first section is an admissions record, titled Workhouse Help. The dates for this section are 1890-1897 and run from pages 1-77. The second section of the book is an admissions record titled Workhouse Inmates. The dates for this section are 1895-1896 and runs from pages 129-140. The last section is an admissions record for Almshouse Inmates. This is dated 1890-1895 and runs from pages 357-499. All columns are the same in each section, they are: No., Date, Name, Term, Date of Commitment, Time Expires and Remarks. Arrangement is chronological.



This volume contains information regarding patient admission to the City Home for the Aged and Infirm and the penitentiary. Columns are labeled as follows: Record No., Date of Admission, Name, Address, Age, Nativity, Civil State, Religion, Sex, Color, Name of Relative or Friends, Relationship and Address, Ward Assignment During Stay, Date of Discharge and Remarks. Under remarks are notes as to where a patient was transferred: Lunatic Asylum, City Hospital, Cancer Clinic. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume is a hospital register of letters patients received. Some pages have column headers and others do not. However, the information remains consistent throughout. Columns included are: Patient Name, Ward Number, Friend's Name and Address, Telegram, Returns and Opr. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume contains hospital admissions information. Columns are labeled as follows: Date (of Admission), Name, Age, Nativity, Time, Condition, No. of Ward, Source, Result, Date (discharge or death), Religion, Sex, Color and Remarks. Arrangement is chronological.


This volume contains information regarding patient admission to the City Home for the Aged and Infirm. Columns are labeled as follows: Record No., Date of Admission, Name, Address, Age, Nativity, Civil State, Religion, Sex, Color, Name of Relative or Friends, Relationship and Address, Ward Assignment During Stay, Date of Discharge and Remarks. Arrangement is chronological.


Volume has no labeled columns. Listed are names of the person, their age, where born, reason for being in the Almshouse. Some instances include final disposition - if removed from the Almshouse. Comments include "on trial." Two sets of dates are noted, likely admittance and discharge. Arrangement is alphabetical.


This volume pertains to the nursing of children. It indicates the amount of money which various women received for nursing children. It also notes if a mother was admitted with the child. Columns in this volume are labeled as follows : Name of Child, Time, Rate per Week, Amount , Date of Receipt, Received of Supt . of Almshouse the Amount Prefixed to Our Names. This last column bears the signatures of the recipients. Arrangement is chronological by the Date of Receipt column.


This volume pertains to the nursing of children. It indicates the amount of money which various women received for nursing children - not always their own. Columns in this volume are labeled as follows: Name of Child, Time, Rate per Week, Amount , Date of Receipt, Received of Supt . of Almshouse the Amount Prefixed to Our Names. This last column contains the signatures of the recipients. No specific institution is given. Arrangement is chronological by the Date of Receipt column.


Columns are labeled as follows: Date, Name, Age, Place of Birth, Occupation, By Whose Order, Disease or Cause, Discharge, Died, Location, Remarks. Arrangement is alphabetical by name.


Ledger combines all elements of the separate admissions and discharge ledgers. Column headers are as follows: Date Admitted, Name, Age, Occupation, Where From or Born, Complaints, By Whom Sent/By Whose Order, Location/Ward No., Date of Discharge, Date of Death, Remarks. Some pages have "Census" written across the top and include the same above information. Other pages have no column headings. Arrangement is alphabetical by last name.


This volume combines all elements of the separate admissions and discharge ledgers. Column headers are as follows: Date, Name, Age, Place of Birth, Occupation, By Whose Order, Disease, Date of Discharge, Date of Death and Remarks. Diseases include cancer, insanity, simple and scrofula, blindness and intemperance. Occupations include coachmen, laborers, married, single and spinster. Remarks include name alias or an ID number. Arrangement is chronological and alphabetical.


Columns in this volume include a number assigned to each vessel that came into New York, the name of the vessel, captains names, sureties, where from and time of arrival. Arrangement is alphabetical by name of vessel.


Volume has no labeled columns. Listed are names of the person, their age, where born, reason for being in the Almshouse. Some instances include final disposition - if removed from the Almshouse. Comments include "on trial." Two sets of dates are noted, likely admittance and discharge. Arrangement is alphabetical.


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